Welcome to the birth of a brand new boxing blog.

We have started Straight Right Boxing in order that we can put our views out in the public domain, to share with other boxing fans, to inform and hopefully spark debate.

Boxing is a divisive sport, divisive in fact even between people with the same passion for the sport. for some it’s the thrill of the man mountains aptly labelled ‘Heavyweights’ throwing concussion lace punches and delighting in the destructive power unleashed on connection. For others it’s the non-stop high volume slugfests of the flyweights, who appear to hit the target with every punch thrown in anger. Where ever you find your excitement in the sport, it is a sport of many angles and opinions and it is here where we find the reason for the creation of SRB. Many report from journalists seem to have agendas, which are either inline with their companies of employment, or with the strategic alliances they have developed and nurtured in order to obtain exclusivity. We at Straight Right Boxing have no affiliation with any organisation, our views are therefore our own and we are impartial in the these views and therefore our blog posts are insulated by the politics that is blighting the flow of information for the fans.
 Here at Straight Right Boxing we welcome your comments and opinions. Perspective is an ever shifting thing and as such we gladly invite you to interact or interject in any of our posts, as we are not only passionate about boxing, we are passionate about our views and as such (and unlike other popular boxing blogs) welcome any debate our blog generates.

Welcome and we look forward to your comments.

Adey Ellison